Consulting for CBAM
How to comply with the new EU regulation


Mecanismul de ajustare a emisiilor de carbon la frontieră (CBAM) este o inițiativă inovatoare a Uniunii Europene, concepută pentru a introduce un tarif pentru emisiile de dioxid de carbon asociate bunurilor importate. CBAM reprezintă o politică-cheie în tranziția UE către o economie mai verde și va fi implementată în două etape: o etapă de tranziție, începând cu 1 octombrie 2023, și o etapă completă, care va intra în vigoare la 1 ianuarie 2026.

Consultanța CBAM joacă un rol esențial pentru companiile afectate de această politică, oferind sprijin în înțelegerea și respectarea cerințelor complexe. În timpul fazei de tranziție, importatorii anumitor produse vor fi obligați să declare conținutul de carbon al mărfurilor lor, iar aceste informații vor fi utilizate pentru calcularea taxei de ajustare a emisiilor de dioxid de carbon. Valoarea taxei va fi determinată de conținutul de carbon al bunurilor și de prețul stabilit pentru emisiile de carbon.

Prin colaborarea cu experți în consultanța CBAM, companiile pot naviga mai ușor aceste cerințe, reducând riscurile și costurile asociate conformării la noile reglementări. Aceasta reprezintă o oportunitate de a contribui activ la obiectivele de sustenabilitate ale Uniunii Europene.

So that you can focus on sales profit strategy

ABX can help you understand CBAM and its implications for your business. They can help importers develop strategies to comply with CBAM and minimise compliance costs.

If you are an importer of goods covered by CBAM, you should consider consulting with a firm that specialises in CBAM compliance. This will help ensure you are in compliance with CBAM and minimize compliance costs.

Iată câteva dintre beneficiile consultanței pe care o facem noi pentru declararea CBAM:

Expert advice: We have an in-depth understanding of CBAM and can provide you with expert advice on how to comply.
Reduced risks: We can help you reduce the risk of non-compliance, which can save you money and avoid penalties.
Easier transition: We can help you manage the transition to CBAM and ensure your business is ready for the new requirements.



Especially if you are a third country importer, you need a service provider who is responsible for preparing the CBAM documentation to the EU authorities on your behalf. We ensure compliance with CBAM requirements and facilitate smooth imports into the EU while complying with environmental regulations.

By choosing us as your CBAM consultant, you have access to our expertise in EU compliance, simplified customs procedures and reliable reporting. This ensures efficient import operations and minimises the risk of non-compliance.

Our fee structure is transparent and tailored to your specific needs. This typically covers CBAM compliance audits, reporting and ongoing support. We offer a tailor-made offer based on your import volumes and requirements.

We cater to importers of all sizes and no minimum import volume is required. Whether you are a small importer or a large corporation, we help you comply with CBAM.

Our team maintains close communication with your organisation, verifies data accuracy and is up to date with CBAM regulations. We are committed to accurate and compliant reporting.

We serve the full range of industries affected by CBAM, including manufacturing, agriculture, energy and more. Our expertise extends across all of these sectors to meet your specific CBAM compliance needs.

It's easy to get started. Fill out the form below and our team will conduct an initial assessment of your CBAM compliance needs. From there, we'll provide you with a customized plan and quote to get the process started.